Using Schematic Pages

The Schematic is located in the center of the Q-SYS Designer workspace. It is where the system designs are created by placing components into the Schematic, connecting them, adjusting the controls, and so on. Refer to Using the Schematic for more information.

Because some designs are very large, Q-SYS Designer has the ability to add multiple Schematic Pages, and connect components between the pages, to enable you to have a large design, and still maintain an uncluttered and organized workspace.

Adding Schematic Pages

  1. Click the Schematic Pages accordion bar in the Q-SYS Designer left-side pane.
  2. Click the "+" (plus sign) on the accordion bar. Another page is added below any existing pages in the Schematic Pages list, and at the bottom of the workspace, another tab is added for the new page. Alternatively, you can add new pages by clicking the "+" on the top right side of the Schematic. Pages are added with a default name of "Page 1" with the numbers increasing as you add pages.
  3. Continue to add pages as necessary.
  4. You can change the order of tabs by selecting the tab, then dragging it to the place you want it.

Using Schematic Page Tabs

Renaming Schematic Pages

  1. Click the Schematic Pages accordion bar.
  2. Select the page you want to rename, then click directly on the name. The existing name is highlighted.
  3. Enter the new name, or edit the existing one.
  4. When you are finished editing the name, click somewhere off of the page tab. The new name is displayed on the page tab, and in the Schematic Pages list.
  5. As you rename pages, they are sorted alpha-numerically in the list. This does not affect the order of the pages in the tabs.

Closing or Open Schematic Pages

  1. Click the "X" on the page tab of the Schematic Page you wish to close.
  2. To open it again, double-click the page in the Schematic Page list.
  3. When you reopen a tab, it displays at the right side of any open tabs.

Deleting Schematic Pages

  1. In the Schematic Page list, in the left-side pane, select the Schematic Page you wish to delete and press the Delete key, or from the Main Menu, choose Edit > Delete.

Linking Components Between Schematic Pages

Use Signal Names to link from one page to another.

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